D10.2 Report on (future) standardisation activities of
the IMS V1
This document, deliverable 10.2 “Report on (future) standardisation activities of the IMS V1” is a deliverable of SAFEWAY project. It presents the plan and schedule of the standardisation activities strategy that will be followed along and beyond the project in order to meet the standardisation objectives. The planned activities will be focused on the definition of standards in force, ongoing standardisation activities in the context of the SAFEWAY solution, identification of key standardisation bodies and interaction with them, as well as dissemination of SAFEWAY research results to the market as well as to relevant standardisation committees. This report describes the overall strategy and includes planned activities, interoperability standards adopted, methods as well as planned events and workshop. This deliverable presents the first version of the Standardisation activities. There will be two more versions of the plan in order to keep the plan updated in accordance with the identified standardisation needs.