BeTR is working on a high R&D level on innovations and advanced technology in an R&D setting. BeTR provides consultancy, project management, innovation assessment studies, definition & feasibility studies and tender management for businesses, research companies and (local) governments in the traffic and transport market as well as the renewable energy market. Including BeTR in technology research projects will provide in depth knowledge on traffic management and traffic information technology, vehicle automation, and a broad knowledge in the field of traffic & transport and renewable energy as well as access to a broad network of professionals in these markets. BeTR will bring focus in projects and create the headlines out of detailed information. BeTR is experienced in building and managing successful international focused teams in a virtual environment dealing with cultural and language differences. For more information, see http://www.betr.nl
Ben Rutten (Male) PhD, is an experienced Program and project Manager on Smart Mobility concepts and technologies. Rutten graduated as Mechanical Engineer in 1982 at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and holds since 1995 his PhD on Transportation Technology from Delft University of Technology. Rutten is passionate on new innovations in sustainable transport and ICT in transport. He worked for commercial consultancy firms on ICT and sustainable energy on telematics topics, worked as civil servant on program management for sustainable transport systems at Dutch Ministry of Transport, worked for navigation supplier TomTom as program, product and line manager on routing technologies and works partly for the TU/e as program manager smart mobility. He leads the technology program line within DITCM, the PPP Dutch Integrated Test site for Cooperative Mobility. Rutten is active member of EARPA, VRA, iMobility and CARTRE EU Automation working groups. | |