D8.1 Emergency Management Plan
Emergency Plans need to be adapted to the changing scenarios related to extreme derived climate change events, as well as the serious concern in Europe about human-provoked catastrophes. This document presents an effective Emergency Plan Guideline for linear infrastructures.
For the realisation of the present Guideline, it was necessary to review both current regulations and plans and their evolution over the last decades. Once the starting point was established and based on the experience of key stakeholders related to emergency events, a content index was designed that contained all the relevant information to be reflected in an Emergency Plan and was structured to simplify its consulting and understanding.
Within the content proposed for the Emergency Plan Guideline, several innovative aspects have been included, among which the most relevant ones are the followings:
- Inclusion of the “SAFEWAY Platform” for alarm communication and decision support: “SAFEWAY Platform” is the software that is being developed within the project and that could facilitate direct communication between the different Operations Centres.
- Inclusion of prevention actions determined by declaring a pre-alert phase in a particular area facing a specific hazard.
- Inclusion of the scope and interconnection between the different Emergency Plans that affect both railway and road network.
- Inclusion of the identification of activity ownership of dependent activities within the Emergency Plan.
- Classification of emergencies by command level.
- Inclusion of a single emergency response procedure.